Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Happy Wholadays

Christmas is my favorite time of year. I love the weather, decorations, clothes, gatherings, etc. Its just so beautiful. It's also that time of year that I get the loneliness. yeah yeah I know sappy. Not so much to be in a relationship,  knowing that I really don't want to be serious right now. Just someone to spend time with, to share things with, cuddle and to do things with. Seems somewhat shellfish but its the truth. i know I keep saying redundant things these past few entries, maybe its to reassure me that I do this blog for myself and no one else. Well maybe for the poor souls who have similar happenings in their life.
I know I should consider myself lucky, I have a great apartment, spectacular view, started writing my book (I know finally), trying to get or company going, and getting my life back on track. I tend to get a bit depressed thinking about the relationships that I have wasted my young twenties on. Yes, I do look at them as learning experiences but I still wish that I was strong enough to have stood up for myself more. Now here I am 26, single, finding out about myself for the first time. Well, My friend has been helping me work on that for about two years now, haha! But none the less, I guess I will be the one saying that it is never to late to do something, or to find something out or to follow your dreams. It may be hard but isn't it supposed to be?
I sit here typing about my life hoping that some where out there, there is someone that will get me, understand me, love me, and want to spend time with me because of me. Some day soon.

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