Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Happy Holidays

Tree on Boxing Day 2004Image via Wikipedia I can't believe that it has almost been a whole other year. I always look back around this time and realize the things that I have learned, failed, accomplished, tried, did and want to do. I don't want to keep promising myself things and not fulfilling them . Which is one of the things I hate the most. I hate broken promises and when its myself doing them, I go mad. This time of year I just get happy and refreshed. I love the Fall and Winter. The decorations, songs, clothes, and just general cheer and happiness. Maybe not from everyone but at least enough to make me happy. As i look out my window with the chrismas station on pandora I just think of things. The people that are in my life, my goals, dreams, wishes. Knowing that a thousand other people might be doing the same exact thing. Maybe there is someone who is thinking about how much the hate this time of year. pisshhh! haha Okay well maybe that was a little much. I finally started writing again. Its back. I am getting my artistic life back, weird sounding I know. My fire was just burnt out for a while. Feeling down and out, and then I started to get better and better. I can say I am painting, writing, singing, drawing and next step baking. I'm gonna be okay. I just had to be the one to tell myself that.
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