Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Random thought at 3:30

I'll Give You All I Can...(Image by Brandon Christopher Warren via Flickr)
Aerial view of Venice including the bridge to ...Image via WikipediaDon't give up hope on love. I believe that is not a request that is a demand. I am not sure if i was pmsing last night but I was incredibly bitter for some reason or another. I just have had enough of sill childish relationships and the heart ache that comes with them. Im tired of not being able to trust my partner, tired of not having anything in common with them, tired of giving my all only to have them give me nothing in return. No I am not giving up on the fact that one day I will find someone. Im just simply saying that until that man comes along I am going to enjoy this new found independence. This has been the longest time I have ever been single and yes there are days that I get lonely and wish that prince charming would knock on my door, but the rest of the days I am loving thinking about me, just me. I love that I have my own place and my own things, I am keeping busy. there is someone out there for me, someone that I see in my dreams. I have decided on somethings in the past few months. I want to actually form my bucket list and each month do at least two things to cross off on the list. maybe the trips will be once a year but I will accomplish everything that I want to do in my life. I feel that we all deserve that. Some of us forget who we are along the road to love. We give up on ourselves for our significant other. Forget our dreams and goals. some are lucky enough to have a partner that doesn't sufficate them and actually helps them and encourages them . I have decided on the trip that I want to take this year, as much as I want to go to JApan, unfourtunately that wont happen this year, maybe I will get to volunteer there, but I have decided to save and make a trip to Venice. I love italy and have been to Venice twice, but I really want to go back for more than a day and enjoy the romance of venice, plus I feel comfortable enough there to explore and be safe. Plus it is a place I can sit and write. work on my art, my books, my self. ah a dream....a dream I will put into action. :
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